Wednesday, November 19, 2014

12 Weeks Out- A Quick Recap

Do you ever get trapped in that 'I can change!  I want to change!  Wait, is that pizza?!' trap? That's so where I'm at right now. Actually, I'm laying in bed trying to talk myself into doing a push-up, or at least attempting one, but, I've had 3 slices of pizza and a push-up seems like a lot of work right now. But I'm pretty sure that I could do a push-up if I wanted to. Anyways, all things push-ups aside today's a big day! It's been 12 official weeks since my hip was sliced and diced!  So, let's recap, and then let's set some goals that don't involve pizza.

Week 1: Blacked out on painkillers. It was a magical week. 

Week 2: Online shopping while high on painkillers. It was an expensive week. 

Week 3: Boredom sets in. I had already watched two complete series of shows and was starting on Bones. 

Week 4: Finally some progress, I was allowed to go to 10% weight bearing! 

Week 5: Major set back. My pain level was back to week 1 levels, and I was taken from 10% weight bearing to 0% weight bearing. 

Week 6: Fuck it all, I hate crutches and gave them up completely. 

Week 7: Woo-hoo! Sweet freedom, I'm driving again! 

Week 8: Officially walking the kids to and from school! One of the things I had missed the most. 

Week 9: Back to the doctor. He wants me to stop progressing and hold tight for a few weeks. 

Week 10: More of the same. 

Week 11: More of the same. 

Week 12: Gurrrrlll, stop eating all things carbs and focus. Let's set some goals. 

Basically, I need to get my crap together. My eating is all over the board, and I'm binging like there is a purge to follow, but it's just binging. So, my first goal is to log all of my food into MFP until Dec. 1st. 

My second goal is to keep my carbs under 100 grams. What does that mean? That I'm going to be HANGRY these next two weeks.   But I've been on a serious carb bender and néed to flush my system. I'm contemplating doing the Whole 30 in January, if anyone wants to do it with me. We can all hate life together those first two weeks. 

Lastly, I think that I am going to join a gym in December. I still won't be cleared to do anything fun, but I can at least hit my arms/shoulders and back a few times a week.  I'm going to she hulk up, and then have toothpick legs.

I can not wait to get to a point of real progress, and be cleared to do everything that I want to! I didn't even realized how much I missed running, and I've got a serious build up of excess energy and no way of working it off. I know that things like squatting are forever off the table and I'm working on being OK with it. I am also super excited for things like lunging, side to side agility, and a few other minor things of that nature to be on my PT list next week, small progress is still progress. That about sums up my last 12 weeks, hopefully the next 12 go way faster! 

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