I've basically abandoned blogging, I'm sorry, I suck. This recovery has taken so much out of me, both mentally and physically, and I've been really, really angry about it. But that's not why I haven't been blogging. I haven't been blogging because I haven't been able to sit at a 90 degree angle, which means that I haven't been able to sit in a computer chair. So what have I been doing with my time? Watching TV. So far, I've watched:
Scandal- 3 seasons
House of Cards- 2 seasons
Bones- 9 seasons
Friday Night Lights- 4.5 seasons
Which means that I have officially watched 300 hours of TV since this surgery, or, roughly 12 days and nights. I'm officially going stir crazy. But, and I hate to type this because it's like tempting the earth, but things are finally, FINALLY, moving forward. I'm officially allowed to walk. Kind of. Very small increments at a time, as much as my body can handle. I suck at listening to my body, so this is definitely (another) challenge for me. But I will never go through this surgery again, so it'll be a cold day in hell when I don't listen to my body and stop when I need to stop.
So, what else has been going on? Everett is in daycare two days a week. It is tough, really tough. He hates it. He comes home from school, and when you ask him how baby school was he says "It was bad, weally weally bad." Little man is breaking my heart. I know its temporary, and a short term solution, but I miss my baby. The other kids aren't doing so hot, either. Cam is turning into quite the jerk, and I know that it's because his whole world has been flipped upside down, and I've always been there to help him, and now he kinda has to take care of himself, so I'm hoping that as I become more mobile, and life rights itself so will his behavior.
Reese, oh Reese. She is such a sweet girl, and I swear, I've never met someone with as pure a heart as she has. She has definitely been the boys rock during this transitional period, and I couldn't be more proud of how strong she's been as her entire world has shifted. Also, we are now in 3rd grade, and dealing with Common Core. First, I want to start by saying fuck common core. They are taking everything they learned last year, and completely disregarding it. The new math is super logical, and I know that it will be beneficial in the long run, but Reese is 8, and 8 year olds aren't logical creatures. I just don't know that she is mature enough to handle math with this much logic.
Also, what the hell is this. The past three weeks they've been working on mental math, and breaking things down and subtracting them by rounding, all in their heads. Two and three digit numbers, really pressing these kids. This weeks lesson? The exact same math problems, but now we get to use manipulatives to solve the problem. Seriously, could this be more backwards? Ugh, I hate Common Core.
Onto the future. My next hurdle? Driving. I know that I won't get cleared this week, my hip still locks up when I move it side to side, so in an emergency I might not be able to get to the brake because my hip locked up. I'm working on forcing myself out of the house, and back into socializing with people. When you watch 300 hours of TV you kind of turn into a hermit. Also, I vacuumed today! Seriously, huge. It took me a few breaks, with some sitting, but it's done, and it's one less thing on Mark's plate! I really miss being my happy, social, outgoing self, so I need to kick this funk off like its yesterday's business.
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